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okta expression language examples

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Thats something that 3rd-party application vendors usually recommend. Value type select whether you want to define the claim by a Groups filter or by an Expression written using Okta Expression Language. Note: Up to 100 groups are included in the claim. "status": "ACTIVE", inline hooks allow developers to modify in-flight Okta processes with custom logic and data from a non-Okta source. The Constraints are logically evaluated such that only one Constraint object needs to be satisfied, but within a Constraint object, each Constraint property must be satisfied. If you want to include or exclude all zones, you should pass in ALL_ZONES as the only element in the include or exclude array. Note: The following indicated objects and properties are only available as a part of the Identity Engine. "description": "The default policy applies in all situations if no other policy applies. String.substringBefore(idpuser.subjectAltNameEmail, "@") : The SpEL-based Okta Expression Language (EL) allows you to reference, transform and combine attributes before storing them in a user profile or passing them to an app for authentication or provisioning. Supported values: Indicates if the User should be challenged for a second factor (MFA) based on the device being used, a Factor session lifetime, or on every sign-in attempt. When you create an authentication policy, you automatically also create a default policy rule with the lowest priority of 99. All rights reserved. If you need to change the order of your rules, reorder the rules using drag and drop. idpuser.subjectAltNameEmail. From the More button dropdown menu, click Refresh Application Data. See Okta Expression Language. } For example, possession Factors may be implemented in software or hardware, with hardware being able to provide greater protection when storing shared secrets or private keys, and thus providing higher assurance. "include": [ Technically, you can map any user attribute from a user profile this way. A behavior heuristic is an expression that has multiple behavior conditions joined by an operator. At People.ai, we use BambooHR as the source of truth for all HR operations, including but not limited to users provisioning and deactivation. Note: IdP types of OKTA, AgentlessDSSO, and IWA don't require an id. Additionally, there is no direct property to get the policy ID for an application. The Links object is used for dynamic discovery of related resources. Non-schema attributes may also be added, which aren't persisted to the User's profile, but are included in requests to the registration inline hook. For example, you can migrate users from another data store and keep the users current password with a password inline hook. The following are response examples: To check the returned ID token or access token payload, you can copy the value and paste it into any JWT decoder (for example: https://token.dev (opens new window)). Note: You can configure the Groups claim to always be included in the ID token. This property is only set for, Indicates if phishing-resistant Factors are required. Spring Data exposes an extension point EvaluationContextExtension. It is always the last Rule in the priority order. "include": [ Depending on which flow you are using, it might also allow you to exclude the scope parameter from your token request. refers to the user's username. If a match is found, then the Policy settings are applied. The name of the profile attribute to match against. One line of code solves it all! You can use the Zones API to manage network zones. Which action should be taken if this User is new (Valid values: Value created by the backend. For example, in a Password Policy, Rule actions govern whether self-service operations such as reset password or unlock are permitted. Notes: The array can have multiple elements for non-regex matching. Only used when, The regex expression or simple match string, The list of applications or App Instances to match on. "priority": 1, IMPORTANT: You can assign a user to maximum 100 groups. Note: Check that your expression returns the results expected. You can think of regex as consisting of two different parts: constants and operators. The developers at Iron Cove Solutions have a strong background in JavaScript so working with Okta Expressions is an easy transition because the language Okta Expressions was based on, SpEL is very similar to JavaScript. Enter expression: "XDOMAIN" + toLowerCase(substring( user.firstName, 0, 1)) + toLowerCase(user.lastName) You can enable the feature for your org from the Settings > Features page in the Admin Console. A default Policy is required and can't be deleted. Changing when the app user name is updated is also completed on the app Sign On page. "people": { }', '{ Used in the User Identifier Condition object, specifies the details of the patterns to match against. Enter a name for the claim. Factors and authenticators are mutually exclusive in an authenticator enrollment policy. As you can see, we generate a list of strings from the users department and division attributes on the fly using array function and ternary conditional operator to validate the division attribute presence. You can create rules using the following: In Then Assign to, enter a single group or multiple groups to which the user should be assigned if the rule condition is met. You can reach us directly at developers@okta.com or ask us on the Okta Expression Language. If you make a request to the org authorization server for both the ID token and the access token, that is considered a thin ID token and contains only base claims. Practical Data Science, Engineering, and Product. Note: When using a regex expression, or when matching against Okta user profile attributes, the patterns array can have only one element. "name": "My Updated Policy Rule", "nzowdja2YRaQmOQYp0g3" Specifies how long (in days) a password remains valid before it expires: Specifies the number of days prior to password expiration when a User is warned to reset their password: Specifies the minimum time interval (in minutes) between password changes: Specifies the number of distinct passwords that a User must create before they can reuse a previous password: Specifies the number of times Users can attempt to sign in to their accounts with an invalid password before their accounts are locked: Specifies the time interval (in minutes) a locked account remains locked before it is automatically unlocked: Indicates if the User should be informed when their account is locked, Settings for the Factors that may be used for recovery, Configuration settings for Security Question Factor, Complexity settings for recovery question, Minimum length of the password recovery question answer, Indicates if the Factor is enabled. "people": { The following conditions may be applied to the Rules associated with Password Policy: The IdP Discovery Policy determines where to route Users when they are attempting to sign in to your org. For example, the following condition requires that devices be registered, managed, and have secure hardware: release. Copyright 2023 Okta. For example, you could prevent the use of all scopes other than openid and offline_access by only creating rules that specifically mention those two scopes. Okta provides a default subject claim. If you created any custom claims, the easiest way to confirm that they have been successfully added is to use this endpoint: /api/v1/authorizationServers/${authorizationServerId}/claims. To test the full authentication flow that returns an ID token or an access token, build your request URL: Obtain the following values from your OpenID Connect application, both of which can be found on the application's General tab: Use the authorization server's authorization endpoint: Note: See Authorization servers for more information on the types of authorization servers available to you and what you can use them for. Custom expressions allow you to refine your conditions, by referencing one or more attributes. You can create a different authentication policy for the app (opens new window) or add additional rules to the default authentication policy to meet your needs. The idea is to create the app-level attributes for group entitlements (assignment) and use it as a static list later. A security question is required as a step up. } In Classic Engine, the Multifactor Enrollment Policy type remains unchanged and is a Beta In a Sign On Policy, on the other hand, there are no Policy-level settings. Each Policy may contain one or more Rules. These are some examples of how this can be done: The username override feature overrides previously selected Okta or app user name formats. If you paste this into your browser, you are redirected to the sign-in page for your Okta org with a URL that looks like this: https://{yourOktaDomain}/login/login.htm?fromURI=%2Foauth2%2Fv1%2Fauthorize%2Fredirect%3Fokta_key%aKeyValueWillBeHere. Spring Data JPA will pick up all beans of type EvaluationContextExtension and use those to prepare the EvaluationContext to be used to evaluate . When the consolidation is complete, you receive an email. /api/v1/policies/${policyId}/rules, DELETE Note: Password Policies are enforced only for Okta and AD-sourced users. To test the full authentication flow that returns an access token, build your request URL. "access": "ALLOW" All Policy conditions, as well as conditions for at least one Rule must be met to apply the settings specified in the Policy and the associated Rule. Enable the feature for your org from the Settings > Features page in the Admin Console. These groups are defined in the WebAuthn authenticator method settings. Various trademarks held by their respective owners. okta. } Configure which FIDO2 WebAuthn authenticators are allowed in your org for new enrollments by defining WebAuthn authenticator groups, then specifying which groups are in the allow list for enrollments. Use it to add a group filter. If the user is signing in with the username john.doe@mycompany.com, the expression, login.identifier.substringAfter('@)) is evaluated to the domain name of the user, for example, mycompany.com. https://platform.cloud.coveo.com/rest/search, https://support.okta.com/help/s/global-search/%40uri, https://support.okta.com/help/services/apexrest/PublicSearchToken?site=help, String.stringContains(user.firstName, "dummy"), user.salary > 1000000 AND !user.isContractor. This is indicated by the stepUp object that contains only the required attribute set as true but without the methods array attribute. String: No: idpSelectionType: Determines whether the rule should use expression language . When you integrate an application with Okta for SAML or OpenID SSO, you will see groups claim options. When a policy is updated to use authenticators, the factors are removed. Contact support for further information. You can use Okta Expression Language to add a custom expression to a group rule. If you set a scope as a default scope, then it is included by default in any tokens that are created. I drive a new-generation IT team, eliminating routine IT, business, and engineering operations company-wide to leave challenging and exciting work for people. Okta supports SCIM versions 1.1 and 2.0. Note: In this example, the user has a preferred language and a second email defined in their profile. /api/v1/policies/${policyId}/rules/${ruleId}, POST The resulting user experience is the union of both policies. Policy settings for a particular Policy type, such as Sign On Policy, consist of one or more Policy objects, each of which contains one or more Policy Rules. For more information on this endpoint, see Get all scopes. "id": "00plrilJ7jZ66Gn0X0g3", That becomes very handy because the integration will create the new groups in Okta for all departments managed in BambooHR. "signon": { You can choose to define an IdP instance in the Policy action or provide an Okta Expression Language with the Login Context that is evaluated with the IdP. For example, the value login.identifier To test the full authentication flow that returns an ID token, build your request URL. Expression Language for devices. }, The first policy and rule that matches the client request is applied and no further rule or policy processing occurs. Note: For more fine-grained filtering information, see the steps for adding a Groups claim with a dynamic allowlist. Specifies a particular platform or device to match on, Specifies the device condition to match on. Note: This feature is only available as a part of the Identity Engine. "type": "SIGN_ON", Specifies an authentication provider that is the source of some or all Users, Specifies a User Identifier condition to match on. Okta supports a subset of the Spring Expression Language (SpEL) functions. Users can be routed to a variety of Identity Providers (SAML2, IWA, AgentlessDSSO, X509, FACEBOOK, GOOGLE, LINKEDIN, MICROSOFT, OIDC) based on multiple conditions. Expressions allow you to concatenate attributes, manipulate strings, convert data types, and more. For this example, name it Groups. If you want to create granular rules, you must first ensure that you have no rules that match "any" of something (for example "any user"). The conditions that can be used with a particular Policy depend on the Policy type. Groups claim feature is great, but what if you dont want to pass all existing groups to the app or filter them? Knowledge: something you know, such as a password, Possession: something you have, such as a phone, Inherence: something you are, such as a fingerprint or other biometric scan. Note: The LDAP_INTERFACE data type option is an Early Access A Profile Enrollment policy can only have one rule associated with it. If the conditions can be met, then each of the Rules associated with the Policy is considered in turn, in the order specified by the Rule priority. See. If one or more of the conditions can't be met, then the next Policy in the list is considered. "exclude": [] Once you activate it, the rule gets applied to your entire org. Select Require user consent for this scope to require that a user grant consent for the scope. Additionally, you can merge duplicate authentication policies with identical rules (opens new window) to improve policy management. You can also use rules to restrict grant types, users, or scopes. Identity Engine always evaluates both the global session policy and the authentication policy for the app. The Rules object defines several attributes: Just as Policies contain settings, Rules contain "Actions" that typically specify actions to be taken, or operations that may be allowed, if the Rule conditions are satisfied. Use Okta Expression Language syntax to generate values derived from attributes in Universal Directory and app profiles, for example: appuser.username. Determines whether the rule should use expression language or a specific IdP. feature. If you're evaluating attributes from Workday, Active Directory, or other sources, you first need to map them to Okta user profile attributes. Note: In Identity Engine, the Okta Sign On Policy name has changed to global session policy. All of the values are fully documented here: Obtain an Authorization Grant from a user. Note: The ${authorizationServerId} for the default server is default. Factor policy settings. The three classifications are: Multifactor Authentication (MFA) is the use of more than one Factor. I was thinking about the solution and found an elegant workaround: instead of filtering the groups via regex or Okta expression language using group functions designed for a claim. This follows the standard condition expression syntax. "type": "OKTA_SIGN_ON", For more information about ALM ( Attribute Level Mastering) or the Okta Expression Language, feel free to give us a toll free call @ (888) 959-2825 , and we will be happy to assist you and your organization with everything Okta . Authentication policies have a policy type of ACCESS_POLICY. Expressions allow you to concatenate attributes, manipulate strings, convert data types, and more. } } Note: For orgs with the Authenticator enrollment policy feature enabled, the new default authenticator enrollment policy created by Okta contains the authenticators property in the policy settings. Rules are evaluated in priority order, so the first rule in the first policy that matches the client request is applied and no further processing occurs. Behavior describes a change in location, device, IP address, or the velocity from which Okta is accessed. } Additional authenticator fields that can be used on the first page of user registration (Valid values: Create, read, update, and delete a Policy, Get all apps assigned to a specific policy, Create, read, update, and delete a Rule for a Policy. One line of code solves it all! Preface the variable name(s) with the corresponding object or profile: Is used to reference an app outside the mappings. Disable claim select if you want to temporarily disable the claim for testing or debugging. You can add up to 10 providers to a single idp Policy Action. Use these steps to create a Groups claim for an OpenID Connect client application. Note: Policy Settings are included only for those Factors that are enabled. Rules define particular token lifetimes for a given combination of grant type, user, and scope. Select Set as a default scope if you want Okta to grant authorization requests to apps that don't specify scopes on an authorization request. Note: IdP types OKTA, AgentlessDSSO, and IWA don't require an id. If you use this flow, make sure that you have at least one rule that specifies the condition No user. Indicates if a password must contain at least one lower case letter: Indicates if a password must contain at least one upper case letter: Indicates if a password must contain at least one number: Indicates if a password must contain at least one symbol (For example: ! The default value is name, which refers to the name of the IdP. This property is only set for, Indicates if the user needs to approve an Okta Verify prompt or provide biometrics (meets NIST AAL2 requirements). "actions": { Specific request and payload examples remain in the appropriate sections. Note: The array can have only one value for profile attribute matching. All Policy types share a common framework, message structure, and API, but have different Policy settings and Rule data. Filter this option appears if you choose Groups. ; Enter a name for the rule. Expressions in Kissflow are strongly typed to the data type you are working with. Note: The examples in this guide use the Implicit flow for quick testing. Technically, you can create them based on departments, divisions, or other business attributes. The Links object is used for dynamic discovery of related resources. Note: Okta's Developer Edition makes most key developer features available by default for testing purposes. Policies are ordered numerically by priority. For the IF condition, select one of these options:; Use basic condition: Select options from the drop-down lists to create a rule using string attributes only.Use this method to create simple rules. Various trademarks held by their respective owners. See conditions. Note: An access token that is minted by a custom authorization server requires that you define the Audience property and that it matches the aud claim that is returned during access token validation. The Policy type described in the Policy object is required. The response contains an ID token or an access token, as well as any state that you defined. Specifies the consent terms to be offered to the User upon enrolling in the Factor. Note: Dynamic IdP Routing is an Early Access (Self-Service) feature. }', '{ Copyright 2023 Okta. Note: The authenticators parameter allows you to configure all available authenticators, including authentication and recovery. Select the Custom option within the dropdown menu. }', "http://ed.okta1.com:1802/api/v1/policies/00pmez6igjv4TYOLl0g3", "http://ed.okta1.com:1802/api/v1/policies/00pmez6igjv4TYOLl0g3/lifecycle/deactivate", "http://ed.okta1.com:1802/api/v1/policies/00pmez6igjv4TYOLl0g3/rules", "http://ed.okta1.com:1802/api/v1/policies/00plmpDXfWU34nb280g3/rules/0prlmqTXCzP5SegYJ0g3", "http://ed.okta1.com:1802/api/v1/policies/00plmpDXfWU34nb280g3/rules/0prlmqTXCzP5SegYJ0g3/lifecycle/deactivate", "^([a-zA-Z0-9_\\-\\.]+)\\.test@((\\[[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.)|(([a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+\\.)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,3})(\\]? You can find a full description of Okta's relevant APIs on the OpenID Connect & OAuth 2.0 API page. Go to the Applications tab and select the SAML app you want to add this custom attribute to. Conditions are applied at the rule level for these types of policies. The Core Okta API is the primary way that apps and services interact with Okta. "users": { To find instance and variable names use the profile editor. Select the OpenID Connect client application that you want to configure. I map the users department field from Oktas user profile and turn it into a list via array functions of Okta expression language. When you finish, the authorization server's Settings tab displays the information that you provided. I find that idea very inconvenient, mostly because you have redundant groups in place and you will have to manage them. Expressions let you construct values that you can use to look up users. Note: Service applications, which use the Client Credentials flow, have no user. Indicates if, when performing an unlock operation on an Active Directory sourced User who is locked out of Okta, the system should also attempt to unlock the User's Windows account. No Content is returned when the activation is successful. Note: Im not 100% sure whether group-level attributes are enabled in Okta by default, or if you need to reach out to support to enable them for your instance. Designed to be extensible with multiple possible dictionary types against which to do lookups. If you have trouble with an expression, always start with examining the data type. Expressions allow you to reference, transform, and combine attributes before you store them on a user profile or before passing them to an application for authentication or provisioning. You map the user-level attribute from Okta and pass it to the product. Note: To assign an application to a specific policy, use the Update application policy operation of the Apps API. Use an absolute path such as https://api.example.com/pets. Indicates if multifactor authentication is required. The Policy API supports the following Policy operations: The Policy API supports the following Rule operations: Explore the Policy API: (opens new window). A regular expression, or "regex", is a special string that describes a search pattern. PinkTurtle . APIs documented only on the new beta reference, System for Cross-domain Identity Management. Currently, the Policy Factor Consent terms settings are ignored. NOTE: If both include and exclude are empty, then the condition is met for all applications. All functions work in UD mappings.. Okta application profiles become helpful here. The authenticator enrollment policy controls which authenticators are available for a User, as well as when a User may enroll in a particular authenticator. ", You can exchange an authorization code for an ID token and/or an access token using the /token endpoint. "authContext": { andrea May 25, 2021, 5:30pm #2. For the Authorization Code flow, the response type is code. Custom expressions allow you to refine your conditions, by referencing one or more attributes. See Okta Expression Language in Identity Engine. Set up and test your authorization server. To achieve this goal, we set BambooHR to master user profiles in Okta. You can retrieve a list of all scopes for your authorization server, including custom ones, using this endpoint: /api/v1/authorizationServers/${authorizationServerId}/scopes. Expressions allow you to reference, transform, and combine attributes before you store or parse them. In the preceding example, the Assurance policy is satisfied if Constraint object 1 (password factor with re-authentication on every sign-in attempt and a possession factor) or Constraint object 2 (password factor and a possession factor that is a phishing-resistant, such as WebAuthn ) is satisfied. Create ID Token claims for OpenID Connect or access tokens for OAuth 2.0: On the Authorization Servers tab, select the name of the authorization server, and then click Claims. If the user is a member of the "Administrators" group, then the Rules associated with Policy "A" are evaluated. Then, in the product, you map the incoming attribute to an organization and automate users provisioning in the service. Using a JWT decoder, confirm that the token contains all of the claims that you are expecting, including the custom one. They are evaluated in priority order and once a matching rule is found no other rules are evaluated. This means you would have to not create any rules that match "any scopes" and ensure that all of your rules only match the openid and/or offline_access scopes. For AD-sourced users, ensure that your Active Directory Policies don't conflict with the Okta Policies. Note: This isn't meant to be an exhaustive testing reference, but only to show some examples. Expressions within mappings let you modify attributes before they are stored in, https://platform.cloud.coveo.com/rest/search, https://support.okta.com/help/s/global-search/%40uri, https://support.okta.com/help/services/apexrest/PublicSearchToken?site=help, Choose an attribute or enter an expression, google, google_, google_. Attributes are not updated or reapplied when the users group membership changes. Select Include in public metadata if you want the scope to be publicly discoverable. Each Policy type section explains the settings objects specific to that type. "users": { Click the Sign On tab. You can use it to implement basic auth functions such as signing in your users and programmatically managing your Okta objects. Variables: These are the elements found in your Okta user profile, including certificate attributes used when you create a smart card. For the specific steps on building the request URL, receiving the response, and decoding the JWT, see Request a token that contains the custom claim. Behavior describes a change in location, device, IP address, or the velocity from which Okta is accessed. At People.ai, we believe that 90% of routine work can be automated, and we do everything to prove our vision. /api/v1/policies/${policyId}/rules/${ruleId}/lifecycle/deactivate. Okta Expression Language is based on SpEL (opens new window) and uses a subset of the functionalities offered by SpEL. We've got a new API reference in the works! In some cases, APIs have only been documented on the new beta reference site (opens new window). Use behavior heuristics to enhance the security of your org. For example, as your company onboards employees, new user accounts are created in your application so they can connect immediately. It doesn't support regular expressions (except for specific functions). Policy Rule conditions aren't supported for this policy. The policy type of ACCESS_POLICY remains unchanged. You can retrieve a custom authorization server's authorization endpoint using the server's metadata URI: ID token https://${yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/${authorizationServerId}/.well-known/openid-configuration, Access token https://${yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/${authorizationServerId}/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server. }, The following conditions may be applied to Multifactor Policy: The following conditions may be applied to the Rules associated with MFA Enrollment Policy: The Password Policy determines the requirements for a user's password length and complexity, as well as the frequency with which a password must be changed. Note: If you add the claim to the default custom authorization server, the ${authorizationServerId} is default. /api/v1/policies/${policyId}/app, Retrieves a list of applications mapped to a policy. User attributes mapping is much more convenient! All rights reserved. The Links object is read-only. The Conditions object specifies the conditions that must be met during Policy evaluation to apply the Policy in question. Import any Okta API collection for Postman. "00glr9dY4kWK9k5ZM0g3" Various trademarks held by their respective owners. 2023 Okta, Inc. All Rights Reserved. /api/v1/policies/${policyId}/clone, POST Example: "$" Here are some examples. A label that identifies the authenticator, Enrollment requirements for the authenticator, Requirements for the user-initiated enrollment, The list of FIDO2 WebAuthn authenticator groups allowed for enrollment, Should the User be enrolled the first time they, Requirements for User-initiated enrollment.

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